it's alright fact, it's a gas

an artist's journal

Saturday, May 27, 2017

DharmAwaken Issue #2 February 2014

Welcome….You have discovered your dharma. You are on your path. Inside, find some tools to help you on your way!
For the second issue of ‘DharmAwaken’, the theme is mindfulness. As a practice of Buddhism, mindfulness finds it’s way into our lives when we take time to focus on the now, here. In these stressful times it is useful to have a means of stepping back in order to respond instead of instantly reacting. The Vietnamese Zen monk Thich Nhat Hanh has a beautiful way of teaching mindfulness, using breathing techniques in a variety of modalities including meditation and walking meditation. Many of Thay’s writings, as well as audio and visual materials are available on the website for Plum Village, the community he established in 1982. "What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment. It is the continuous practice of touching life deeply in every moment of daily life. To be mindful is to be truly alive, present and at one with those around you and with what you are doing"
Find out about Thich Nhat Hanh here: In mindfulness we also have the advantage of observation which is one of the core principles of Permaculture. It is through careful observation that we are able to reach a level of understanding about a subject which then allows us to design a garden, a structure, a community, or anything our hearts desire in a wholistic way, taking all things into consideration. David Holmgren treats the subject of observation, and many other Permaculture principals on his website, ‘Temperate Climate Permaculture’: "The only way to use nature as our guide is to actually observe what nature is doing.  Take the time to sit and observe!  It is not wasted time..." -David Holmgren http://
February Moon Planting Guide In the Northern Hemisphere, February is a month of planning and seed ordering, but there are still a few things that can be planted, such as tree nuts. Many of these require a period of cold before sprouting, and it is a good idea to research the tree you wish to grow from their seed to find out the optimal cold time required and how that relates to where you live. For an explanation on planting and sowing according to the Moon, see ‘The Gardeners Calendar’ website: The best days for planting this moon are February 2 and 3 (Pisces), February 7 and 8 (Taurus), and February 12 and 13 (Cancer).
Observe and Interact After the Ethos of earth, people and future care, the next level in the application of Permaculture design is consideration of its Principals. There are many of them, but one of the first is to observe and then to interact. The Principle of Observation and Interaction is easily remembered when correlated with the classical Trivium method of Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric. The action of observation correlates most with the collection of information that is classical grammar. In fact, it is in careful observation over the course of a year’s worth of seasons, that we are better able to plan a garden, or design an addition to our home, for instance. In the sweet children’s story, ‘The Secret Garden’, a young girl who is newly orphaned, is sent to live in the multi-roomed mansion of her Uncle on the moorlands of Northern England. Through a chain of coincidences, she finds a neglected and locked up garden. Over the course of winter, then spring and summer, in the enthusiasm and excitement she brings to the daily observations of plants and animals in that garden, she regains her physical and emotional health. She is even able to help another child, her cousin. Together they call the spiritual strength they derive from their interactions with nature ‘magic’.
What makes this story most interesting is the time period in which it was written, approximately 120 years ago during the time Queen Victoria ruled England. The viewpoints of the people living indigenously in Yorkshire, as presented by the author, and the influence of eastern philosophy come together in a wonderful synthesis in which observation of nature is paramount for the optimal way of right living in a particular place. Interaction can made to be understood in the context of Rhetoric, which is the art of discourse. A relationship must be struck, after the understanding one gleans from knowing the particulars of something, and logical correlations made. From interactions within relationships on all levels of existence, new observations can be made. “ The power of good observation is something not many of us have, and detailed observations of where we are will underpin any actions we undertake. A post-peak world will depend on detailed observation and good design rather than energy-intensive solutions.” ~Rob Hopkins, The Transitions Handbook Mayan Calendar for the February Moon, 2014
Iggy and Fiona staying warm by the fire….
Have a Warm and Happy February Moon! In Lak’ech, Lauren Dharmawaken is an Art and Permaculture ‘ezine’ published monthly by Lauren Blair Churchill

Thursday, May 28, 2009

been busy living.....

So I received an email from an old school friend. It was a forward, urging me to accomplish it's complete dissemination by July 4th. Full of patriotic platitudes and a cacophony of red, white and blue, it began with a copy of the Pledge of Allegiance in large bold type. In a fit of devilry, I altered it before I passed it along, changing the words of the pledge to fit my memory of Matt Groening's version in 'Life in Hell', and sending it only to those on my email list that I knew would appreciate the humor. Except that afterwards it didn't seem as funny. First of all, I know I got the words wrong. I didn't take the time to make sure of them. Secondly, it wasn't well thought out, and it seemed a trivial reaction. Reactions aren't my strongest asset. Further, responding is a better way of answering. I decided that the best way to respond would be to make up my own version of the pledge to be added to the stream of thought out there about July 4th and patriotism in general. Here then, is my offering.

I Praise Alliance to the Flow

Of the Unbridled Shapes
of Amor Icons

And to the R
eceivers of
which we Share




With Live Berries and Gerbils and All

Hope you enjoyed that!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

I call this one Erythrocytes because it reminds me of something you might see on a cellular level. Erythrocytes are blood cells for those of you who are not scientifically inclined. This piece is done completely in color pencil and it is 18" x 24". There is more where this came from. Check out my new site at under 'dharmawakenings'....

back to the blog

It's been a while. Things have changed. I am no longer working a 'day job' and hope to spend more time making a presence on the internet in order to become known as a working artist. Judging from the amount of views I have had on this blog since last June, it may not be the best place to do so, but that's only because no one knows about it, and it takes time to promote it. Time I haven't had until now. So I will be updating more, (I hope) and adding more art for your enjoyment. Now to edit my website, which is the most important thing.....

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Oh Well....

Wednesday is my studio day. I like to devote my whole day to art if I can. Yesterday I found it difficult. I was very distracted for some reason. And the creative flow was elusive. I eked out two drawings, for what they are worth. It's ok though. I have learned not to think of it as a permanent condition. In yoga, you learn to accept the poses for what they are from day to day. This is especially important as you grow older because some days are better than others. This is true for art as well. Some days are better. I made the most of it for what it was, and that is the way it is. Today is a new day full of potential. It is my job to reach for it and be joyful in the process. Even if that means pain. Pain means you are alive!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Two oils on canvas.....

"Far Havens" 15" x 23" oil on canvas

"Far Mountain" 15" x 23" oil on canvas

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Just a sampling

The following pieces were created on Mat Board using Oil Pastels. Enjoy!

To view more of my work, please visit my Flickr site!

This is Great!

So now I have found yet another way to share my art and my life. Ten years ago I was struggling to think of ways to market my artwork and getting very fustrated because there didn't seem to ever be enough time or money. And now with the flick of my wrist, 'Alohomora!' The way is opened with this lovely new medium of blogging. Ok, so it's not so new. It took me a while to get on this bandwagon, but here I am and I hope that people will enjoy my musings and my art. Blessed Be!

smokey mountains-oil on canvaspaper 12" x 16"

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.