it's alright fact, it's a gas

an artist's journal

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Oh Well....

Wednesday is my studio day. I like to devote my whole day to art if I can. Yesterday I found it difficult. I was very distracted for some reason. And the creative flow was elusive. I eked out two drawings, for what they are worth. It's ok though. I have learned not to think of it as a permanent condition. In yoga, you learn to accept the poses for what they are from day to day. This is especially important as you grow older because some days are better than others. This is true for art as well. Some days are better. I made the most of it for what it was, and that is the way it is. Today is a new day full of potential. It is my job to reach for it and be joyful in the process. Even if that means pain. Pain means you are alive!


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