it's alright fact, it's a gas

an artist's journal

Saturday, March 24, 2007

I call this one Erythrocytes because it reminds me of something you might see on a cellular level. Erythrocytes are blood cells for those of you who are not scientifically inclined. This piece is done completely in color pencil and it is 18" x 24". There is more where this came from. Check out my new site at under 'dharmawakenings'....

back to the blog

It's been a while. Things have changed. I am no longer working a 'day job' and hope to spend more time making a presence on the internet in order to become known as a working artist. Judging from the amount of views I have had on this blog since last June, it may not be the best place to do so, but that's only because no one knows about it, and it takes time to promote it. Time I haven't had until now. So I will be updating more, (I hope) and adding more art for your enjoyment. Now to edit my website, which is the most important thing.....

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.